Scala Features

scala features
Scala features

The Scala features enables to write efficient programs using both object and functional way but the real power of Scala lies in functional. The functions applies a lots of magic to achieve programming goal.

These are following features of Scala: 
  • Object
  • Class
  • Constructor
  • Data Type
  • Access specifiers
  • Operators
  • Operator Overloading
  • Abstract class and Sealed Abstract class
  • Trait and Sealed Trait
  • Inheritance
  • Case class
  • Companion Object
  • Variable declaration
  • Lambda Expression (X => Y)
  • Function, 
    • Tail Recursion
    • Scala Function with Value
    • Scala Function with Name
    • Scala Function with Named Arguments
    • Scala function with Variable Arguments
    • Scala function with Default Parameter
    • Scala function with Recursion
    • Higher-order functions
    • Nested Functions
    • Anonymous Functions
    • Scala Partially Applied Functions
    • Currying Functions
  • Abstract function 
  • Closure
  • Option, Some and None
  • Either, Left and Right
  • Try, Success and Failure
  • type, yield, match Keyword
  • Exception Handling
  • Future
  • Scala Implicit
    • Implicit Variable
    • Implicit Parameter
    • Implicit Class
    • Implicit Object
    • Implicit Function (Implicit Conversion)
  • Tuples
  • Using standard java library with Scala
  • Generics in Scala
    • Scala Variance
    • Scala Type Bounds
  • Collection
    • Collection Hierarchy
    • Different collection Traits and Classes
    • Working with Array, List, Set and Map


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